Anonymous blogging means writing a blog or diary online in such a way that the writer will hide his/her identity. There can be different reasons why some writers don’t want to disclose their names and style of writing a blog to the public. Since blogging has become popular, some programmers create different tools to make simplifications on the methods of anonymous blogging.
The traditional weblog is the most commonly known type of anonymous blogging. These are the kinds of blogs which usually run short to moderate length articles created on a daily or weekly basis. However, longer common entries which focus on a specific topic are also available. There are also other writers who chose to pose more concise messages using microblogging such as twitter. Some others will also participate anonymously in multiple user blogs wherein different authors will contribute the same or separate articles which will be posted in the same site.
One of the reasons why people get involved in anonymous blogging is to avoid possible confrontation when gossip or complain arises. Writers with this kind of motive are mostly have negative things to say to a certain individual or institution but will not be considered whistleblowers because they will not be revealing any unethical or illegal behavior. These kinds of blogs are not protected by whistleblowing laws; therefore, if there will be certain false and damaging statements presented by the author in these blogs, he /she may be sued for libel.HOW TO BECOME ANONYMOUS
There are different kinds of method used by writers to keep anonymous. Bloggers usually chose to be unknown are usually influenced by technical skills and resources from people who aim to discover someone’s identity. In most cases where resources are not available, using a false name would be enough. For some cases a more technically complex solution might be necessary. This includes being always connected to the blogs through an unknown web proxy or using a more advance service like The Onion Writer (TOR). Even if the best advanced technology will be used to protect a writer’s identity, there are still possibilities of accidental revelation of his confidential information. This is the reason why some authors make alterations on the details they post for every article.
Anonymous blogs enables total separation between personal/professional life and blogging life. This can be true to individuals who blog about sensitive topics on adult blogs etc.
With anonymous blogging, the risk of stalkers will be controlled. This type of blogging also provides clarity that the write is just writing for himself, his place of employment and does not have to worry about the possibility that readers may think that the writer is one of the subject of his blogs. Moreover, writing under various names lets bloggers to express a variety of aspects of their personality which include parts that may be not right to be shown at other times. Writing an anonymous blog provides writers the permission to play as they are not dealing with the violence of their established personality.